Lead Generation

Question: What is a Lead?

Answer: A Lead is a person who has an interest in your services.

There are other types of leads including those that you can buy aka “cold leads”, but the best leads are those that already have an interest in what you do.   For example, if you own a Tree Trimming/Removal Company in Akron, OH and a potential lead (customer) is searching for someone to do their tree trimming in the Akron, OH area.   That’s where we at ChimpPros go to work.   We match that lead up with you which allows you to land the job for the work.   Now, those are “hot” leads and that’s what we specialize in.

Question: What is Lead Generation?

Answer: Lead generation is the process of gathering those leads from people who need the services they are searching for.

That’s where we shine.   We attract those leads and give them to you at NO CHARGE.    Many of those “hot leads” will turn into a job (or sale) for you.    Then, and only then, you will pay ChimpPros a nominal fee.   Some people call this a finders fee.    We provide leads to Tree Trimming/Removal companies and other types of small businesses everyday.

We find many unique ways to gather those leads and work hard to keep them coming in so you will continue to grow your business.   We used Tree Trimming/Removal in this example, but quite honestly, we have helped many other types of companies with their Lead Generation needs.     Be prepared to get busy once you sign up as a local contractor (ChimpPro) for us, as we’ll keep you and your crews busy.


Question: The importance of Lead Generation and why you need it.

Answer: Without Leads, your business will continue to struggle to grow.   We provide you only the best and hottest leads, many of which convert into a sale.   Either way, you don’t pay us unless you have made money off of the lead.

Our proven methods of providing your business leads will bring success and growth to your business.   Our experts attract potential customers who are looking for services just like yours.   We then provide those leads to you and that’s where you do your magic and convert those “hot leads” into actual conversions aka selling the job.   We are a customer service focused company and with our services combined with your skills, we find that the customers are very happy with the process.    Customer satisfaction is our top priority.


Question: How do we get leads that convert at a high rate?

Answer: We have several ways that we advertise to get the leads we provide you.   We market for services in your area, which brings us the leads that you are looking for.   Our marketing techniques are proprietary and we never promise something we can’t deliver on.   We value all of our customers who in turn become your customers, and will never mislead in any way just to get business.    Our honesty and high ethics have proven to be the best way to gather “hot leads” which we then give to you at NO CHARGE.

In todays world, its hard to find companies who put ethics in front of profits, but we are that “hard to find company”.    ChimpPros LLC is a family owned company and we treat our local contractors and customers just like family.    Honesty is always the best policy and we pride ourselves in working hard to grow your business while you provide the services that are needed by the end user.    Each local contractor that we work with requires different types of leads.   Once we partner with each other, we’ll assess your needs and develop a plan that works best for you.   Before you know it, the leads start coming in.

Our marketing techniques are spread over several avenues.  

  • Once we have the potential customers attention, we get them to click on our landing page.

  • The Lead then reads over the information and services we provide

  • This usually leads to them filling out our “services request” form or a call into our office.

  • This “call to action” takes place many times on the first visit to our marketing material.

That’s where you as a local contractor (ChimpPro) come into play.   We’ll give you the lead (at no charge) and you do what you do best, sell your services.


Question: Why not just buy leads?

Answer: Very simple!!!  Why buy leads when we give you high quality “hot” leads at NO CHARGE.

Our competitors charge expensive fees to join their networks (by the way, we charge you NOTHING), and then continue to charge you even more on a monthly basis, even if they don’t provide you any services.    Buying leads, as opposed to generating them organically, is much easier and takes far less time and effort — despite being more expensive.    BUT, those leads are cold leads and you have no idea if they will convert.   You’ll spin your wheels and get no where.    Those leads you purchase don’t even know you or why you are calling them.    In fact, the leads we provide you, actually call wanting your services.   You don’t have to call anyone.     It’s always, always, always better to generate leads organically rather than buy them, especially when those leads call you instead of you searching for new business.

We hope this little blurb about lead generation helps you better understand the importance of leads and growing your business.   That’s what we are experts at.   We bring you the leads and you book the job or get the sale, and its a win/win.    Your business continues to grow and we do the hard work getting you the leads, which allows you the time needed to see your business zoom upwards.

Our leads are FREE, so you have nothing to lose.  

Please fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch with you right away to see how we can help you grow your business through our lead generation services.





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